To begin a start-up or a new business sounds exhilarating specially when one is setting up a completely new thing and following one’s passion.  Running a business takes hard work, dedication, and commitment. Whether it’s just starting out one’s own or have been running a business for a while it requires assiduity.

Students at Zebar School for Children from grade XI Commerce and Humanities participated in an event named ‘Zebar Think Tank’ where seven teams pitched their business models to Sharks/Judges. These Sharks considered their proposal and asked certain questions about their propositions and hand-picked the team that they found having credible and worthy product to invest in.

Our students presented their business ideas to the sharks. Some of them mentioned here are, Team Evanescent Plast- The Problem Solver, Untouched Sanitary Waste Service- it’s time to solve sanitary waste problems, Team DripCup, Vintage 61, Team Kaizen and AmicoBot- feels you heals you and Elite Gallery Fusion- with western culture. The questions put forth by these sharks were confidently and courageously answered by our students. The sharks were astonished and mesmerized to witness such a brilliant and inventive ideas presented by our talented young minds. The students were very well mentored by our dedicated, learned and highly experienced educators.

The event was sum-up by listening to admirable words by Mr. Manan Choksi and other Sharks, they shared their experiences and provided enriched and nifty advice to our burgeon entrepreneurs. The runner-up team was Untouched Sanitary Waste Service- it’s time to solve sanitary waste problems, and the winning team was AmicoBot- feels you heals you. They have been felicitated by our Sharks on their ideas and have been handed over the certificates.